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⭐ Interview Best Practices


  • Like it or not, we all know that First impressions are lasting! So, the first step is to ensure you have a good one.
  • You should read a post or two about this topic, but here are some essential highlights.


  • Review wording and avoid typos. Also, use the correct spelling! For example, it's DevOps, not Devops or dev-ops, and so on.
  • Use a template for CVs; don't create one from scratch! No need to reinvent the wheel and there are already good templates for tha propose (recommended templates: Spearmint Resume, Easy Resume, ATS Friendly Resume).
  • Make your CV short and concise but not too tight. Many people try to make a one-page CV, but they make it unreadable!
  • Write a quick summary about yourself but not that dull "objectives" section.
  • Write your skill set first, then your job experience (Summary -> Skill Set -> Experience -> Anything else).
  • Sort the information in reverse chronological order (newer first, older last).
  • Write in bullet points and avoid long paragraphs.
  • Focus on impact before what you just did. Focus on the accomplishments instead of the responsibilities.
  • It's good to write in the footer of your CV when the last update was.
  • There is no need to add unnecessary information about you, like age, marital status, etc.
  • Unless otherwise requested, always export and send your CV in PDF format so it always appears the same way for everybody.
  • Finally, ensure that your CV is readable for humans and machines (check score for ATS, Applicant Tracking System), as you don't know who will read it (you could be easily filtered because you don't pass the initial screening).

Cover Letter

  • The cover letter is usually optional, but post it anyway when applying for the job. Why would you lose a plus point?
  • Unlike the CV, which doesn't need to be changed much across job applications, the cover letter should be tailored for each application! Don't copy/paste your cover letter as it is every time!
  • Ensure to mention the position title and team in the first line of the cover letter.
  • The format is basic, with just 3 sections. First is a very concise summary of you. Second, it changes completely based on each job description. The third could have any relevant, helpful information like a side project or some skill that will benefit you in that job.
  • Read the job description and update your cover letter to show how you are the best fit for that position.
  • Don't write the cover letter too long; it will be less likely to be read.
  • Don't repeat exactly what's in the CV.

LinkedIn Profile

  • The previous points are more or less applicable to the LinkedIn profile, but there are some differences here and there.
  • Customize your LinkedIn URL. Remove any extra characters in the URL and just keep your name like
  • Write your name proberlly capltilized, it should be John Doe not john doe (one of the most common mistakes!).
  • Use a professional and up-to-date photo.
  • Ensure the profile details are updated regularly.
  • Add a profile "about" section and "tagline".
  • Follow people in your domain to get the best out of your LinkedIn timeline.
  • Check your LinkedIn account at least once a week or so.
  • Keep it professional; at the end of the day, LinkedIn is not Facebook! (there are always exceptions, but that's still the rule of thumb).

Pre Interview


  • Don't apply blindly to jobs! It DOES NOT work!
  • Carefully read the job description and understand the job role. You need to know if it's the best match for you and also to prepare for the interview.
  • Learn more about the company's business domain, size, and web and social media activities. It's really bad if you apply to a company and don't know what it's doing!


  • When you get an interview appointment, try to know who your interviewer is and learn about their background. This will help you have a smooth conversation during the interview.
  • Practice common interview questions, especially the introduction. In the first 10-15 minutes, most, if not all, questions should be the same in all interviews! So, there is no need for "real-time thinking" for those common questions. You should reply to those quests firmly and swiftly.
  • Prepare your showcases! You should have 3-5 achievements or cases that you are proud of and can talk about seamlessly.
  • Prepare questions for the interviewers! You interview the company like the company interviews you!


  • Avoid using Easy Apply on LinkedIn! Many times, applications are lost there! Apply directly to the company's system/service.
  • If you apply by email, ensure that the email has a title that is usually asked to be used in a specific format (use the exact format).
  • In all cases (applying via a form or email), include 2-3 lines about who you are and the title you are applying for.
  • Don't forget the attachment, and use PDF format unless otherwise requested.

Remember that technical skills are easy to learn, but behavioral ones are much harder! You could be easily rejected because of your behavior, not because of your technical knowledge!

In Interview

  • Remember, First impressions are lasting! Ensure you make a good first impression. Don't be shy or arrogant. Be motivated.
  • Be on time, and it's better to be a bit earlier (if the interview is on-site, go early 30 minutes before the interview and stay in any cafe nearby). and show enthusiasm.
  • Listen actively, don't rush to answer the questions, and clarify with the interviewer before you give your full answer.
  • Try to find the best balance of your answers. In most cases, it MUST not be yes/no, and it shouldn't be too short or too long.
  • Stay focused and don't get into side topics.
  • Ask the questions you prepared for the company/interviewers.

Post Interview

  • Honestly review how you did and reflect on your performance in the interview. Identify what you did well and keep doing it, as well as what wasn't good, and enhance it for the next interview (be honest, and don't find excuses!).
  • Learn about any new topics or terminologies you heard in the interview. Some could be critical for you, and some you just need to have general knowledge of.
  • Ask for feedback from the interviewer and enhance what could be enhanced.
  • Once you get to the interview stage, try to keep the interviews active between 3 and 5 to ensure you have enough time to make any enhancements. Otherwise, you will make the same mistakes again and again in many interviews!
  • Prepare for the next interview.